Matrices - Exemplar Solutions
CBSE Class–12 Mathematics
NCERT Exemplar
Chapter - 3
Matrices - Short Answer Questions
1. Construct a matrix whose elements aij are given by
2. If ,
, then which of the sums A + B, B + C, C + D and B + D is defined?
Sol.Only B + D is defined since matrices of the same order can only be added.
3. Show that a matrix which is both symmetric and skew symmetric is a zero matrix.
Sol.Let A = [aij] be a matrix which is both symmetric and skew symmetric.
Since A is a skew symmetric matrix, so A′= –A.
Thus, for all , we have aij= – aji ....................(1)
Again, since A is a symmetric matrix, so A′= A.
Thus, for all , we have
aji = aij ..................... (2)
Therefore, from (1) and (2), we get
i.e., for all i and j. Hence A is Zero matrix.
4. If find the value of x.
Sol.We have
=> 2x2 +23x = 0
5. If A is 3×3 invertible matrix, then show that for any scalar k(non-zero), kA is invertible and
Sol.We have
Hence (kA) is inverse of
Long Answer Questions
6. Express the matrix A as the sum of a symmetric and a skew symmetric matrix, where
Sol.We have
, then
7. If , then show that A satisfies the equation
8. Let Then show that
Using this result calculate A5also.
Sol.We have
And so
= (9A – 28I) (4A – 7I)
= 36A2– 63A – 112A + 196I
= 36 (4A – 7I) – 175A + 196I
= – 31A – 56I
Objective Questions
Choose the correct answer from the given four options in s 9 to 12.
9. If A and B are square matrices of the same order, then (A + B) (A – B) is equal to
Sol.(C) is correct answer. (A + B) (A – B) = A (A – B) + B (A – B)= A2– AB + BA – B2
10. If A = and
, then
(A) only AB is defined
(B) only BA is defined
(C) AB and BA both are defined
(D) AB and BA both are not defined.
Sol.(C) is correct answer. Let A = [aij]2×3 B = [bij]3×2. Both AB and BA are defined.
11. The matrix is a
(A) scalar matrix
(B) diagonal matrix
(C) unit matrix
(D) square matrix
Sol.(D) is correct answer.
12. If A and B are symmetric matrices of the same order, then (AB′–BA′) is a
(A) Skew symmetric matrix
(B) Null matrix
(C) Symmetric matrix
(D) None of these
Sol.(A) is correct answer since
(AB′–BA′)′ = (AB′)′– (BA′)′
= (BA′– AB′)
= – (AB′–BA′)
Fill in the blanks in each of the s 13 to 15:
13. If A and B are two skew symmetric matrices of same order, then AB is symmetric matrix if ________.
Sol.AB = BA.
14. If A and B are matrices of same order, then (3A –2B)′is equal to ________.
15. Addition of matrices is defined if order of the matrices is ________
State whether the statements in each of the s 16 to 19 is true or false:
16. If two matrices A and B are of the same order, then 2A + B = B + 2A.
17. Matrix subtraction is associative
18. For the non-singular matrix A, (A′)–1= (A–1)′.
19. AB = AC ⇒B = C for any three matrices of same order.